Monday, May 18, 2009

The Newest Thing in Old Solar Technology Nets Ten Times As Much Energy Per Gram of Silicon

A Bright Idea

The future of solar energy involves concentrators - devices that concentrate the energy from the Sun onto the most expensive part of the solar panel: the silicon. Skyline Solar has developed a panel that uses a trough design to concentrate the energy on the silicon without the use of expensive concentrators such as lenses or robotic armatures. The panel is built with commodity parts to make it cheap and competitive with fossil fuels to generate electricity. For this reason, the United States Department of Energy gave a three million dollar grant to Skyline, and investors laid down another twenty-five million for the development of this design. Proponents of the concentration photovoltaic technology have long awaited a breakthrough like this, claiming that it could greatly reduce the cost of solar energy. Skyline Solar's approach is simple: long, curved, shiny panels of aluminum concentrate the sun's energy onto custom-built strips of solar photovoltaic cells - the same ones used on conventional solar panels. There are no lenses, and the troughs only have to rotate on one axis rather than rotating on two axes to track the sun, which has been proven to be unreliable. Skyline Solar has already set up a demonstration plant in San Jose, California for the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority. Skyline claims that the technology is suitable for any city that gets at least as much sunshine as New York City, and plants based on it are economical at the 100 kilowatt to 100 megawatt range of power production.

This incredible design is a breakthrough in solar technology -- it's so incredibly simple, I find it amazing that nobody has discovered this before! This could greatly reduce the cost of solar power, especially since Skyline Solar is using aluminum to concentrate the Sun's energy onto the silicon. This breakthrough in solar technology could be the beginning of a massive shift away from fossil fuels. If the price is equal to that of fossil fuels, like Skyline Solar plans to do, then many urban power companies across the US will shift over to this type of solar energy. This could also put other alternative energies in danger. It will push development in those energies to reach a cheap, reliable source of energy that will eventually become the next major fuel the world will use. Despite the breakthrough, only time will tell how the race for alternative energies will play out.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Apple Juice

Fruitful Energy

A simple, regulation vegetable battery made from pieces of zinc and copper stuck in a potato can generate half a volt of electricity. The electricity is created from the oxidation of the zinc. The potato is only a conductive barrier, while the copper serves the purpose of completing the circuit. Alternating layers of vegetable, zinc and copper is similar to wiring batteries in series, each set increasing the voltage of the total. Pennies and apples are another way to create some vegetable batteries. Sanded pennies can provide a good source of both zinc and copper in one object. Around 150 alternating pennies and apple slices, arranged into six separate vegetable batteries yielded enough power to charge an iPhone -- but only for a second. Larger zinc plates and whole apple slices would yield a longer supply of power. Around 200 of the layers were made into one three-foot-long apple battery, which delivered a much higher voltage and created a visible, and potentially fatal spark.

Harnessing energy from vegetables is just what we need in our technology advancing, power hungry society today. This experiment just goes to show that energy can be found in just about anything if we try hard enough to harness it. It also gives us another renewable energy resource. Granted, it may not be the cheapest alternative or most efficient alternative out there, but it still gives us an option that we can possibly use in the future. Although apple or potato fuel is not compact, it should drive other alternative fuel researchers to find places where this type of energy can be used -- for smaller projects. If the technology or prototype of it improves, apple growers or other vegetable growers may be able to use it on their farms in the distant future. This advancement of technology also goes to show how rapidly scientists are searching and finding new sources of energies. Despite it's problems, there is one way we can use this energy today though: if we ever get stuck on an island with apples and need to charge our iPhones, at least we'll know how.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Breakthrough to Advance Hydrogen Car Production

Blazing Energy

A good fueling system has long been an obstacle in hydrogen car production -- until now. Professor Isaam Mudwar and his class at Purdue University have designed a hydrogen fueling system that can fill a car tank in five minutes and can last for 300 miles. However, this was not an easy process for the General Motors funded project team. According to Professor Mudwar, "The hydride produces an enormous amount of heat. It would take a minimum of 40 minutes to fill the tank without cooling, and that would be entirely impractical." These facts gave the team quite a challenge. They knew the heat had to be countered and the refill time must be shorter. To fix this, they used a very fine powder called metal hydride for refueling. The powder is able to absorb hydrogen extremely easily but is unable to control the mass amount of heat that is released. This is why a cooling system must be available at all the refueling stations. The researchers then ventured to design an efficient heat exchanger to deal with the heat. The team designed a system where the metal hydride is kept in small pockets in a pressure chamber, where the hydrogen is absorbed. The process is also reversible; hydrogen can be released by decreasing the pressure in the chamber. The heat exchanger was then placed inside the hydrogen storage compartment. The cooling system also uses automotive coolant, which flows through a U-shaped tube to cool the hydrogen. The heat exchanger is designed so that when the metal hydride absorbs the hydrogen, a temperature absorbtion mechanism is started.

This breakthrough in hydrogen technology will be praised and lauded worldwide. The deficiency of hydrogen stations will only continue to grow, and this new system pioneered by Purdue University will only encourage the growth of hydrogen cars. Since the government seems to think hydrogen is the fuel of the future, money will continue pouring in for the development and research of hydrogen-powered cars. Also, newer and better metal hydrides will continue to improve this system, and hopefully it will soon help the mass heat problem, eliminating the need for the heat exchanger. As people continually become more environmentally aware, people will only begin to support the hydrogen fuel cause. In 50 years, I expect millions of hydrogen cars to be on the road, and this fix helps the progress by crossing out one of the many issues that still need to be fixed dealing with hydrogen-powered cars.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Redoubt Volcano's Eruption Could Threaten Alaskan Air Cargo Hub

Falling Ashes

Mount Redoubt is located 100 miles north of Anchorage International Airport, which is the third largest air cargo hub in the world. The last time Mount Redoubt caused air traffic problems was in 1989, when KLM flight 867 flew into a ash cloud over the volcano. The plane's engines halted, and it plummeted 13,000 feet before the pilots were able to restart the engines. 20 years later, the USGS knows that this is not a hypothetical hazard, but a real one. Therefore, the Federal Aviation Administration has restricted air traffic with a radius of ten miles around the volcano, hoping to reduce any volcano-related problems. The Alaska Volcano Observatory has monitored this volcano very closely with satellite images, webcam images, and seismic monitors, and is also ready to notify the FAA, the Department of Homeland Security, and numorous other government agencies as soon as Mount Redoubt erupts. Due to advances in technology, when planes encounter ash, they rarely fail; however, the USGS wants people to know that planes are still susceptible to volcanic activity. Around 557,000 planes traveled through the Anchorage area last year alone, so the ashes spewed by Mount Redoubt will not be taken lightly. There have been six ash encounters in the past year by planes, three of which caused damage to the plane.

The activity in Mount Redoubt is growing immensely. If it erupts in the coming year, temperatures will drop significantly from their averages across the United States, disrupting weather problems all over the country. This could cause several problems, which include lack of produce from farms, airport delays, and mail delivery problems. The ash released from the volcano could screen the sun and prevent produce from growing on the west coast. Airport delays and cancellations in Anchorage have already happened, and the air taxis and mail that transfers through Anchorage International would also be delayed considerably. The situation is being handled very well by the USGS, who seem to be on top of every move that Redoubt makes. Hopefully, our government will make the right decisions and course of action in dealing with this explosive event of Mother Nature.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Driving out the Prius

According to government research, aggressive driving, ultra-fast acceleration, speeding, and excessive braking can decrease highway mileage by up to 33 percent. Arriving this April, the new 2010 Honda Insight will tell its users when they are being wasteful, and when they are not. This hybrid is driven by a 88 horsepower gas engine and a 13 horsepower electric engine. A first time user of this car will be able to get around 40 miles per gallon easy. After engaging some of the energy-saving features on the car, the MPG can rise to the low 50s. A green button labeled "Econ" on the dashboard puts the car in economy mode. In this mode, the car accelerates slowly to maximize fuel efficiency and the air conditioner recirculates air and slows its fan. A feature on the car called "Eco Assist" shows a glowing arch over the speedometer. The color of this arch varies from blue to green. The blue arch means that the driver is being extremely wasteful, while the green arch means that the driver is managing the fuel very efficiently. A blue-green arch means the driver is somewhere in between the two extremes. The third feature on the Honda Insight is the "Eco Guide". There are five wreaths with trophies inside them. A driver can accumulate the leaf tier levels and achieve the trophy inside over the course of the car's lifetime.

The use of electric-gasoline vehicles is significantly increasing. Honda's goal to create a hybrid car that is also affordable will most likely jumpstart most people looking at Priuses to take a look at the new Honda Insight. Because the 2009 Prius costs around $25,000 at it's minimum level and $28,000 fully loaded, the Honda Insight will definitely give Toyota's near monopoly of the hybrid market in the United States some good competition. Honda estimates that the price of the Insight will be around $19,000. I think that's a pretty good deal for a brand new hybrid. If Honda's prices start triggering a decline in Prius sales, Toyota will be forced to lower their prices too, causing more people to buy hybrids and saving hundreds of dollars at the gas pump. Also, a 40 MPG rating in the city means much less CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere than if the person were not driving a hybrid. Overall, I believe the world is slowly becoming much more eco-concious in their car choices.

Monday, March 9, 2009

New York's Green Plan Draws on Global Solutions

A Big Green Apple

Even before the recession, New York was looking for ways to save some green, and create some too. Now, New York is looking to improve the pollution situation, according to PlaNYC ( pronounced plan-why-see), an idea proposed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Some goals of PlanYC are to have adequate housing, clean up contaminated lands, upgrade the energy infrastructure of the city, reduce emissions that cause global warming by thirty percent, and have the cleanest air of any American city by the year 2030, when they expect to have an estimated one million new residents. This action was sparked by some green success stories around the globe. Malmö, Sweden used to be the home of Saab, a major auto manufacturer. Now, buses run on substances made from organic waste, most plastics are recycled, and the top energy source is wind power. Singapore has eased its traffic congestion problem and traffic has decreased by thirty percent, despite a 33 percent rise in downtown work. In South Korea, 1500 acres of reclaimed land is at the governments disposal for green purposes. Korea is also pulling one of New York's greener ideas, Central Park. They have already dedicated one hundred acres for the creation of a public park.

Michael Bloomberg's plan to make New York City a cleaner place was one that was long awaited. His high hopes for his city to become a much greener place by 2030 have been echoed all over the world. If his plan for New York actually executes as planned, it would be a breakthrough accomplishment in American History. It could be the spark needed to inspire other politicians to do likewise, and create legislation to make America greener. Even at the local level, mayors and governors could work together to formulate a plan to make their city, town, or state greener. It could start a competition among major U.S. cities to become the greenest one in the land. It is already amazing what other countries have done with their major cities to make them more environmentally friendly; why would it be any harder for people in the U.S. to do the same thing with their land? A change like this would resonate throughout the country and create a healthier living environment for future generations to come. After all, why should we get to hog all the beauty of the world and then just let it rot for our children? Although I may believe that Bloomberg's plan will not reach the high expectations, it should tell the politicians not to be afraid to propose greener laws.

Monday, February 23, 2009

EPA Expected to Regulate Carbon Dioxide and Other Heat-Trapping Gases

A Disaster Waiting to Happen?

WASHINGTON -- According to top Obama officials, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to regulate carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases that many scientists believe are the causes of global warming. This would have an enormous effect on today's society, forcing many power, manufacturing, and transportation companies to find other sources of energy, such as wind, water, or solar power. It could also speed up climate change action in Congress. The Supreme Court has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to determine whether carbon dioxide is a pollutant that endangers public health or welfare. The White House has made it clear that this movement has their full support, and President Obama plans to use his power in the executive branch to reduce global warming. The EPA has acknowledged how important this decision could be and is currently trying to plan out the new regulation. Tuesday, they annouced they are reconsidering a decision made by the Bush administration not to restrict carbon dioxide emissions on new coal-burning power plants. Some people who agree that some action should be made about global warming are dismayed by the fact that if carbon dioxide is regulated as a harmful pollutant under the Clean Air Act, which was created over 40 years ago, it would be enforced upon newer facilities, but not the older ones, reducing the impact greatly. Representative John Dingell, a long-time supporter of auto makers, claimed that this new regulation would turn the economy into a "glorious mess." Senator John Barrasso told Lisa Jackson, the new EPA administrator, during her confirmation hearing earlier this year that she should not use the EPA's regulation power to undermine Congress' authority to address global warming. Senator Barrasso called this use of the Clean Air Act a disaster waiting to happen. Despite this, Jackson believes that the Supreme Court has obliged her to act. Sierra Club President David Bookbinder believes that this act is “politically necessary, scientifically necessary and legally necessary,” but also that trying to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by a series of rules created by the EPA would be a "distant second best" to congressional legislation to regulate the emissions instead. Advising Lisa Jackson on the complex process of carbon regulation will be Lisa Heinzerling, a lawyer who wrote the winning court briefs in the Massachussetts vs. EPA case, a case that involved giving rights to the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide. Supposedly, under the clean air law, any source emitting 250 tons of a specified pollutant can be regulated, including schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and bakeries; however, there can be exceptions from the regulation. Even if this does get approved by the Supreme Court, it could be years before it actually takes effect because of legal procedures.

A disaster waiting to happen? I believe that the proposed regulation would be good for the economy, unlike the beliefs of the Congressmen stated above. The rush to find alternative fuels would stimulate the economy, creating new jobs everywhere. This will impact my generation more than previous ones because we will be living in the result of this decision as adults. Hopefully it will reduce the use of fossil fuels and force car manufacturers to find alternative energies such as fuel cells or plain electricity. I like Obama's fearless support of the race for alternative fuels, and I hope he actually does something about it. Too much regulation of carbon dioxide probably wouldn't be great for the economy because it would force several factories to close, but it would be much if the regulation called for every facility 20 years or younger to reduce their emissions. Most car manufacturers won't be too thrilled if this regulation takes effect because of the push in Congress to regulate the emissions, but the benefits will eventually outweigh the negatives. New cars on the road with alternative, cheaper fuels will both help the environment and the economy. This new regulation would decrease the amount of carbon dioxide being emitted, make people more aware of the situation, and make the Earth a healthier place overall. I do agree with Mr. Bookbinder on his view that this new regulation would not be as good as congressional legislation to reduce emissions. The process of actually enforcing this regulation could take years, unlike actual legislation, however, everything has a beginning -- maybe this is the beginning of a reduction of greenhouse gases.