Monday, February 23, 2009

EPA Expected to Regulate Carbon Dioxide and Other Heat-Trapping Gases

A Disaster Waiting to Happen?

WASHINGTON -- According to top Obama officials, the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to regulate carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases that many scientists believe are the causes of global warming. This would have an enormous effect on today's society, forcing many power, manufacturing, and transportation companies to find other sources of energy, such as wind, water, or solar power. It could also speed up climate change action in Congress. The Supreme Court has ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to determine whether carbon dioxide is a pollutant that endangers public health or welfare. The White House has made it clear that this movement has their full support, and President Obama plans to use his power in the executive branch to reduce global warming. The EPA has acknowledged how important this decision could be and is currently trying to plan out the new regulation. Tuesday, they annouced they are reconsidering a decision made by the Bush administration not to restrict carbon dioxide emissions on new coal-burning power plants. Some people who agree that some action should be made about global warming are dismayed by the fact that if carbon dioxide is regulated as a harmful pollutant under the Clean Air Act, which was created over 40 years ago, it would be enforced upon newer facilities, but not the older ones, reducing the impact greatly. Representative John Dingell, a long-time supporter of auto makers, claimed that this new regulation would turn the economy into a "glorious mess." Senator John Barrasso told Lisa Jackson, the new EPA administrator, during her confirmation hearing earlier this year that she should not use the EPA's regulation power to undermine Congress' authority to address global warming. Senator Barrasso called this use of the Clean Air Act a disaster waiting to happen. Despite this, Jackson believes that the Supreme Court has obliged her to act. Sierra Club President David Bookbinder believes that this act is “politically necessary, scientifically necessary and legally necessary,” but also that trying to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by a series of rules created by the EPA would be a "distant second best" to congressional legislation to regulate the emissions instead. Advising Lisa Jackson on the complex process of carbon regulation will be Lisa Heinzerling, a lawyer who wrote the winning court briefs in the Massachussetts vs. EPA case, a case that involved giving rights to the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide. Supposedly, under the clean air law, any source emitting 250 tons of a specified pollutant can be regulated, including schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and bakeries; however, there can be exceptions from the regulation. Even if this does get approved by the Supreme Court, it could be years before it actually takes effect because of legal procedures.

A disaster waiting to happen? I believe that the proposed regulation would be good for the economy, unlike the beliefs of the Congressmen stated above. The rush to find alternative fuels would stimulate the economy, creating new jobs everywhere. This will impact my generation more than previous ones because we will be living in the result of this decision as adults. Hopefully it will reduce the use of fossil fuels and force car manufacturers to find alternative energies such as fuel cells or plain electricity. I like Obama's fearless support of the race for alternative fuels, and I hope he actually does something about it. Too much regulation of carbon dioxide probably wouldn't be great for the economy because it would force several factories to close, but it would be much if the regulation called for every facility 20 years or younger to reduce their emissions. Most car manufacturers won't be too thrilled if this regulation takes effect because of the push in Congress to regulate the emissions, but the benefits will eventually outweigh the negatives. New cars on the road with alternative, cheaper fuels will both help the environment and the economy. This new regulation would decrease the amount of carbon dioxide being emitted, make people more aware of the situation, and make the Earth a healthier place overall. I do agree with Mr. Bookbinder on his view that this new regulation would not be as good as congressional legislation to reduce emissions. The process of actually enforcing this regulation could take years, unlike actual legislation, however, everything has a beginning -- maybe this is the beginning of a reduction of greenhouse gases.